Monday, January 30, 2012

Caroline Flack Gets Death Threats From Clearly Insane One Direction Fans

Uh-oh! Caroline Flack is getting received death threats from Harry Styles’ fans after it was revealed that the pair have been on some dates. What is it with young women and their penchant for sending death threats?


On that point, it appears hecklerspray is the only publication willing to point out that it is incredibly sinister the way adult women feel it is perfectly fine for them to fap over a bunch of 10 year old singing boys. Never mind death threats, how about some police involvement here?!

Aaaanyway. Where were we? Oh yes. Death threats. The Xtra Factor presenter and the One Direction boythrob have been bumping uglies, despite the fact there’s a 36-year age gap between the two.

Of course, fans of 8-year-old Harry (calling themselves Directioners because they don’t want Beliebers to have the monopoly on collective nouns for simpletons) aren’t happy about the fact that they aren’t the ones tearing the young singer a new cock-hole.

And so, they’ve taken to twitter.

A source says:

“Twitter just went mad. People have been saying really horrible things. Caroline’s really shaken and upset.”

And that’s just from spending time with the dreadful, grabby Olly Murs. One message said:

“If caroline flack flirts with my boyfriend (Harry) I will personally hunt her down and shoot her.”

HURRAY! We’ve got a new Mark Chapman. Another message said:

“I want to kill you Caroline Flack, Harry is mine Bitch”

Someone else sensibly pointed out:

“Caroline Flack is 32. She should be settling and ready to have kids not dating them.”

Of course, the ironic thing here is that Harry and Flack aren’t doing anything untoward at all. Flack took to her own twitter account to say:

“Hi one direction fans! To clarify. I’m close friends with harry. He’s one of the nicest people I know. I don’t deserve death threats. :) x”

This has prompted Harry to come to Flack’s aid and try and help her through this difficult time. You know what that means? There’s a grief-shag in the offing and you mental Directioners have gone and forced them together with some twisted remote Stockholm Syndrome.


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Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Mariah Yeater Wants Justin Bieber To Take Another DNA Test Just To See If He Has Any

You know the woman who said Justin Bieber rode her for 30 seconds backstage at one of his gigs, and as a result, popped out a small baby? Well, Mariah Yeater is at it again, asking for more of Justin’s DNA.

Presumably, the first DNA test came back with a report noting that Bieber was too young to have even developed any.

However, now he’s grown some finger nails and the fontanelle has started to harden on his famous head, she’s asking for another test. Maybe she’s going to swipe it and clone him because she’s mental or something? You’d have to be to willingly tell the world you’d had sex with a superstar infant with a face like a boiled kneecap.

Bieber has, of course, already taken one test, but Yeater,wants one that he hasn’t initiated. Perhaps she doesn’t trust the hippocratic oath?

Some bloke called Jeffery Leving said that, even though he has yet to provide evidence of the two’s alleged sexual encounter, Yeater deserved the right to meet Bieber with her baby and lawyers present so they can watch him actually take the test.

That’ll be a nice awkward meeting won’t it? If they did do the dirty, imagine the small talk! If they didn’t, imagine the simmering rage from the young pop-star and the doe-eyed chancer holding a baby, looking on and wondering if it would be okay to ask for an autograph.

Leving says:

“I want a new DNA test with both sides together at a lab in California as soon as possible… As soon as I tell her to do it, she’ll do it. We need proper protocol and a chain of custody.”

“For me to feel comfortable, I want a member of my legal team in the room when Justin Bieber’s genetic fluid is sampled”

Genetic fluid is potentially what got everyone into this mess in the first place. Leving added:

“This case is unique in terms of media interest, celebrity and the amount of potential child support at issue. There could be motives on the parts of many different people to corrupt the evidence”

It’s nowhere near as fun as Arnold Schwarzenegger’s secret lovechild story, is it?

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Girl Who Says She’s Had Bieber’s Baby Has Ex Shouting ‘It’s Mine’ Like He Wants To Pay Child Support Or Something

When a baby is born via parents no longer together, it isn’t uncommon for a Jerry Springer style argument to develop, with penis owners shouting ‘Well, it ain’t mine that’s for sure, you womanly leech!’

Justin Bieber is no different, looking at the whole situation and shrugging ‘I haven’t even met the girl! No way. Nuh-uh.

Apart from, that is, the ex-boyfriend of Justin Bieber’s alleged baby harvester, Mariah Yeater, who has NO DOUBT IN HIS MIND AT ALL (apart from the vague doubts in his mind) that the baby is his and, he so certain, he wants to take a DNA test to prove it. Roll on child support payments from whoever!

Remember TMZ sharing a story which showed a load of SMS messages, which seemingly showed Mariah Yeater saying that her ex, Robbie Powell, was the father of her baby?

No? Well, that sentence you’ve just read has got you up to speed. Stop being such an idiot.

Where were we? Oh yes, Robbie Powell. Well, Robbie and his super sperm are demanding a DNA test because he’s apparently tired of Yeater using the child for media attention.

Basically, he wants some media attention as well. Then baby sitting rights. Then countless sleepless nights and soiled nappies.

TMZ’s sources says Robbie has been telling friends that Mariah has already told him that this whole Bieber story is a crock of dung and Robbie believes she did conjured it up because she was desperate for cash.

If she’s that desperate, why doesn’t she sell her baby? You’re allowed to do that in America right? Angelina Jolie will probably take it off her hands.

Of course, Powell will now be getting approaches by media outlets, which is nice for him. Maybe he’ll buy some condoms with any fees he receives.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Just Doesn’t Understand The World

Pint Sized Canadian Pop Prince, Justin Bieber, really is the gift that just keeps on giving.

Fresh from “definitely” fathering a love child in a sweaty 30-second romp with a woman whose testimony is as reliable as that of Dr. Conrad Murray, Bieber has decided to, once again, showcase how empty the space between his ears is on national television.

Bieber’s lack of geographical knowledge was previously showcased on television in New Zealand, when he admitted, in a somewhat uncomfortable and borderline racist moment, that they don’t have the word German in America.

But now he’s taken his ignorance to the next level, by going on the David Letterman show and failing to be able to name all 7 of the Earth’s continents.

Justin had stated to Letterman that he believed he had performed on every continent, only to have the late night legend challenge him to name the continents he has performed on.

Asia, North America, South America. Boom, Bieber was almost half way there, but after that strong start he began to struggle. After a few seconds he pulled Africa out of the bag and quickly followed it up with Antarctica.

But that’s where the knowledge train de-railed and Bieber began to clutch at straws. His next 2 answers were The North Pole and Canada, neither of which are actually continents, just in case you didn’t already know.

Thanks to a little prompting by Letterman, Bieber was able to just about struggle his way to the end of the list, although he did refer to Oceana/Australasia as just Australia, so even after being handed the answers he still managed to get it wrong, Letterman obviously overlooked this glaring error in order to keep the show moving, otherwise he’d have been there all week. Pedantic? Us? Never.

We’ve included the video of the bumbling Bieber’s inability to name the 7 continents below, so you too can sit there and shout at him for being so thick.

Let’s just hope Justin isn’t asked to name the children he’s sired on each contient!

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

The X Factor Review; Week 16: Louis Walsh’s Wikipedia Search History, A Love Story

We have two more weeks of The X Factor left, and then we can go and do something else in our brains. We know. It’s amazing. Amazing how it’s all gone so marrow-achingly slow isn’t it? Amazing how time can absolutely not shift for three months in the slightest sometimes.

Amazing. A bit like how 2001: A Space Odyssey covered thousands of years scoping from the dawn of men to beyond the infinite. Or a bit like how The Curious Case of Benjamin Button lasted infinity-hundred hours long and achieved absolute zippo. A bit like that, a BIT like that…

And hey! Talking of clutching at straws…

This week on The X Factor it was of course Psychological Meltdown Motown week and Unrelated Other Song To Fill In The 50 Minute Gap week. Well, it’s about bloody time.

Last week we ‘lost’ Janet Devlin, and by ‘lost’ we of course mean “We sat on our clammy posteriors and watched as her popularity slowly dwindled into nothing as appropriated by the people who do actually vote for X Factor.” We just like to be concise.

Okay so, life changing recording contract, “I want to be in the final so much”, “I am excited”, and all that sort of thing. That’s what we’re contending with as we cross through into the semi-final, so kind of a big deal. Not in the scope of reality or anything, but in the scope of Louis Walsh’s bath nights schedule for the week, it’s absolutely paramount.

For your viewing pleasure or something to that effect, we of course had:

  • MISHA B!
  • MARCUS… We usually forget his name and have to Google it! Marcus Brigstocke possibly!

There you are. No no. YOU’RE welcome.

FACTLET: The X Factor Opening Titles go on for 2 minutes and 35 seconds. You know what you can do in 2 minutes and 35 seconds?

*Do 2 minutes and 35 seconds of a task that ultimately will take much longer but perhaps might be more emotionally fulfilling!
*Listen to the entirety of Wipeout by The Sufaris with no burden to bear!
*But mostly the first thing we mentioned!

For those of you haven’t watched it/did not take part in the Ludovico experiment this week/think that Dermot O Leary fella is a bit ‘ehhh’, we have provided you with a blow by blow fully detailed description of this week’s dance routine, because we are kindly and attentive and want to mother you. No no, seriously guys, it’s absolutely no bother.

1. The X Factor doors open to the tune of Do You Love Me by The Contours, which is a song about emotional insecurity and doing the mashed potato.
2. Dermot appears in badly fitting suit perpetrating a basic Stationary Hand Jive routine.
3. Scantily clad women stand next to him perpetrating a basic Stationary Hand Jive routine.
4. Dermot jumps a bit to the left, and then a bit to the right. (This bit’s important.)
5. Dermot turns around and shakes around his backside like he’s in the SEX PISTOLS or something.
6. Dermot looks embarrassed, and all the girls run away.

But, hey. That’s just involuntary abstinence for you.

Tonight they’re facing the toughest judges of them all. That’ll be YOU,” Dermot warned us in the sort of Orwell-esque manner of omnipotence that only he can pull off and first up to perform, and for an absolutely incredibly sparse chance at performing in the live final because she’s been unreasonably edited to fuck from Day 1, was Misha B!

This week in her everlasting menagerie of Humble Field Trips, the X Factor producers forced Misha visit lots of sick children to try and evoke some sort of caring in her artificial vestibule of hatred that the X Factor producers created in the first place. It didn’t work obviously. Slag.

Misha sang the covered to death Dancing in the Street in a dress made out of broken records, and here is a carefully orchestrated joke about that.

Hey Misha! Maybe you should change the record!



Well everybody loved that performance, especially Kelly who managed to unfurl 80 extra hidden meanings from the Mick Jagger barnstomper by saying “You’re not just dancing in the street! You’re dancing on OTHER indeterminate locations too!” Seriously, this woman is the effin’ Sphinx. Exhausting. Then we had to go through the WHOLE Louis Walsh says Berry Gordy is dead thing which is a bit of a silly thing to say considering at no point on Saturday the 3rd of December was Berry Gordy actually dead. No biggy Louis, we all make mistakes.

And then there was Amelia Lily with Aint No Mountain High Enough, which is a song about how no level of altitude can keep James Stewart from dressing Kim Novack as a double of his dead wife. Or something. You know, WE’VE GOT A LOT ON.

This all led to us being very confused over whether she looked darn attractive in a 60s Nancy Sinatra way or just a bit trashy in a modern day Twiggy M&S advert kinda way. Either way, it’s a bit of a grey area for us, and it’s probably easier for us not to bother. The dress code of the dancers seemed altogether a little bit more confusing. Houndstooth and tartan? Is that ‘The 60s‘? Let’s just check Wikipedia’s page for the 60s just to make sure. Blah blah blah – radical political change – blah blah blah – centre left social reforms – yadda yadda yadda – The African American civil rights movement… Oop. Hang about. “EVERYONE IN THE 60S LIKED TO WEAR FUNKY PATTERNS” it says. Ah, fair enough. Amelia sang the song vaguely well, basically giving her the exact capabilities as all the Jesuses. That sounds pretty serious. Let’s not deal with that.

“YOU SOUND AMAZING!”IOO”JOJI!IO!HIDBISH!” Kelly Rowland reported in a kind of cerebrovascular accident kinda way. (This is the same Kelly Rowland who wrote the song Stole, which is about a song with a girl who has same size hands as Marilyn Monroe, FYI)

Little Mix up next, singing We Are Nonthreatening But Women Nonetheless! By The Supremes. Ah, that wouldn’t be The Supremes, the collective compromising of quite a fair few women singing at the same time would it? Because… Wait, hold the phone. Don’t Little Mix do something to that effect? Flaming, third degree burns Nora! That’s too much of a coincidence. Assumingly then this was going to be absolutely amazing. So, what degree of amazing did it end up being we hear you cry whilst you claw at our ankles sobbing for catharsis? WELL. If only we had some sort of scale…

Oh dear. So what went wrong? HOW COULD THIS HAVE POSSIBLY GONE WRONG? What is THAT ANSWER? Will we ever even truly know?

Well, they didn’t sing it very well and someone forgot the words. Next week, we’ll sort all that Atlantis and Jack the Ripper stuff out everyone keeps harping on about. Anyway, hot blonde baritone Mix kind of saved it a bit though, which our Spiritual Guide Gary Barlow later points out saying that Peri (Oop. careful Gary, if you name them, you might generate an emotional attachment) should be the lead singer.

“That’s what this group is missing. A lead singer.”

A very interesting Robbie Williams ’90s solo career-y point well made.

“DIANA ROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” – Louis added.

It’s actually something of an achievement that The X Factor has gone this far in the competition (Say about..six weeks) without featuring Robbie Williams actually. And here we were worried that the show was…dare we say it, missing the mark of what constitutes as entertainment! Pah. Oh how wrong we were!

Oh wait, there he is with Marcus Collins wearing a cravat. Ah well, we had a good run.

Yeah, that brings us quite messily on to Marcus Collins, who was performing a song that may or may not make us want to ‘get up and dance’ as the dubstep generation like to call all that sex these days. Oh, alright. Not really. God, we’re such jokers. He sang My Girl, which he presumably sang about one of his female platonic friends that he is not boning dry. Ah, so that’s why Robbie Williams came in to give him some advice this week! Gotcha. Gotcha. (Banal early 2000s Robbie Williams homosexuality jokes! Yes we ARE really pushing the boat out this week, thanks for playing!)

“I was hoping you were singing for me.” Kelly told Marcus. Marcus smiles and nods respectfully, as that is all he can offer her.

Mi-Icantbelieveimintouchingdistanceandidontwantittoend-sha B was up again, singing “Humble” the Gary Barlow remix, by SadPink. It’s good-at-singing kind of good. But that doesn’t matter.

Amelia came back singing I’M WITH YOU by AVRIL LAVIGNE which is a song about feelings and being with someone but them not actually being there. Still confused? Okay. It’s like An Affair to Remember with early 2000s pop-punk, and when we say ‘like’ we mean EXACTLY THE SAME. Deborah Kerr probably got a bit angsty and wore a tie with a vest top in her spare time too. We’ve all been there. And we all made it through. Clearly.

Amelia sang the song in that classic Amelia Lily Loud singing/Whisper Singing/Louder Singing/Nicole Kidman Bronchitis Moulin Rouge Whisper singing way. But does this mean that she didn’t absolutely definitely mean EVERY SINGLE WORD? Of course she did! God, we really aren’t taking this very seriously tonight. Apologies to Avril Lavigne, or alternatively: People with actual problems. Cheers guys.

“With that song [That song being ‘I’m With You’ by Avril  Lavigne just to remind you] it’s like you are telling a story. And you have to sing that song as if you are telling a story.”

Which you’ll be shocked into a catatonic state to hear Tulisa came out with at one point. But it turns out it’s actually a very fair point! Seeing as:

“I’m With You” by Avril Lavigne is about Avril Lavigne standing on a bridge waiting in the dark for someone to come and take her hand, and then if there’s time, take her somewhere new. Now, she doesn’t know who this IS, but rest assured she is with them in a metaphorical sense despite him not being physically there. Now CALL US PICKY but we’d think of that more as an experimental William S Burroughs Beat Novel more than a story, per se Tulisa. But hey, ‘that’s just us’.

“Pipes” Kelly Rowland added.

Marcus Collins was up again, or if you prefer, Marcus“afewmonthsagoiwasahairdresserworking9to5andnowiminlondon&itssofunny” Collins, as is is his more catchy pseudonym, sang Can You Feel It. Well, when we say ‘Sang Can You Feel It’ we mean more like ‘inquisitively questioned Can You Feel It in a tentative yet hopeful for one singular sensual brush of the skin of another kind of way’, which we assume is the way Michael Jackson intended it to sound! Hurray!

Sadly, he didn’t muse on what ‘she’ would look like with a ‘chimney on her’, which would have been amazing.

And finally, Little Mix came along to sing ‘If I were a Boy’ which doesn’t work as a group song at all, so Tulisa spits mentals and starts rifling off every single local region in the UK and telling them to vote for Little Mix, like how Winston Churchill used to do when he was trying to get people to vote for Little Mix.

The Little Mixicans (As nobody should EVER call them) say something about how ‘they don’t want to be perfect’ which is why they sang the song about wanting to be boys, because women are biologically inferior as we all know – and then everything came crashing to a close in a mass of violent shrugs.

Shit on that ending, Shawshank Redemption.


*Call us picky, but we absolutely loathe Justin Bieber’s bollocks excuse for a Christmas song and don’t like Justin Bieber at all or would ever try and single out any redeeming quality to the fabric of his existence.

*Bye Misha. That’ll teach you to try and bring your talent and very broad vocal range on to The X Factor.

*The sound editors surpass themselves by playing Dream Is Collapsing from the Inception soundtrack over Marcus’  VT where he talks exclusively about how getting through to the final would be his dream. Very good.

*We got to hear that really emotionally taxing Jessie J ballad again, and only for the third time in the space of three weeks. Oh Mr Ambassador, you really are spoiling us etc.

*It is uncanny just how much Tulisa looks like Debenhams and Mkat  sometimes.

*Perez Philtrum appears in the ad break even though nobody wanted him to.

*Kelly Rowland uses soliloquy in pop music, and it is theoretically hells-a-mazing. It was perhaps the most precise mixture of Orbital and Dr Faustus in RnB pop history we have ever seen. But we’re just speculating.

Next week is the final. Or as we like to call it: ‘The Hecklerspray Christmas Party where we’ll deliver a really drab, hungover last minute mess of a review’ This means we’ll only be putting in aprox. 5 billion percent more effort into the review than ITV will be putting into the actual contents of the show, so we’ll call that fifteen love.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Mariah Yeater Likes To Take Drugs Infront Of Kids Supposedly

Don’t recognise the name of the person in the article heading? Don’t worry, most people don’t either. It’s only when you mention that she’s the alleged bearer of Justin Bieber’s child that causes people’s ears to prick up.

In a strange way, we kinda like this paternity situation because Bieber went totally badass on her. He must have grown some balls or at last spouted a few pubes as he has promises to sue her for spreading these rumours.

Alas, the DNA test seems to be taking bloody ages to come back, which seems odd. We wouldn’t have thought that a few samples of a spit could take so long to analyse, especially given that Bieber is hardly old enough to have formed that much DNA. If they were British, they’d have the results fairly rapidly thanks to Jeremy Kyle. He can do them in 20 minutes, like developing Polaroids. Assuming that Bieber was able to maintain and use and erection, he will be thrilled to hear that his bundle of baby is allegedly living with a mother who takes drugs. Shock! Horror!

Some people claim – and it isn’t those who are close to Bieber – that he couldn’t possibly father a child. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that a seven year old couldn’t possibly produce anything other fluid other than urine from his penis. The suggestion that he fancies women is basically obscene. As far as he’s concerned, girls are “smelly” and “kisses carry diseases.”

But even if everything claimed by Mariah Yeater turned out to be true, we’d be amazed on a couple of fronts. Not because she wasn’t a psycho looking for a cheap payday, but because the hilarious circumstances involved in their sexy time were true. She was quoted as saying:

“Immediately, it was obvious that we were mutually attracted to one another, and we began to kiss. Shortly thereafter, Justin Bieber suggested that I go with him to a private place where we could be alone.”

“I agreed to go with him and on the walk to a private area, he told me he wanted to make love to me and this was going to be his first time.”

“We went inside and immediately his personality changed drastically. He began touching me and repeatedly said he wanted to f*** the s*** out of me. At the time I asked him to put a condom for protection, but he insisted that he did not want to.”

“In his own words, he said that because it was his first time he wanted to ‘feel everything.”

So when this whole messy situation is over, can’t we at least think of the innocent child involved? Being used as a pawn so his mother can make a pot of money is something that’ll probably haunt him in later life. Everyone who writes for hecklerspray was sired by negligent celebrity one-night stands. Why on Earth do you think we’re this bitter?

But according to reports, it doesn’t seem that Mariah Yeater is a perfect mother. Footage which hasn’t been released yet, meaning that THIS MIGHT NOT BE TRUE suggests that Yeater smoked pot infront of a toddler and said:

“We’re about to get high! Burning weed, burning weed.”

Of course we don’t know if she was smoking the green whilst growing a baby human inside of her, but friends of Yeater have told Star magazine in America that she:

“May have smoked marijuana once or twice while carrying Tristyn.”

You’d have to be stoned to pick a dreadful name like that. Anyway, fear not Mariah! In the UK you’ll probably end up being crowned mother of the year. After all Katie Price has bagged the prize despite whoring out her own family to make a career whilst Kerry Katona has won despite being a financial and drugged up mess.

There’s hope for us all it seems.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Buys Ryan Butler a Mustang for Christmas

Uh, this is what happens when you give a 17 year-old dozens of millions of dollars. Justin Bieber is charitable with strangers and generous to his friends and family. Justin gifted his longtime bestie, Ryan Butler, with a two-door Ford Mustang Convertible.

Ryan Butler mustang picture

Justin posted the photo, along with the caption above, on his Twitter page.

Selena Gomez was away, but Justin savored the moments that he got to spend with those who treat him like a normal person. Bieber Tweeted: "Spending time with family -- feels really good. Going to get to see these smiles on Christmas. Merry Christmas from the family!"

Hmmm. I think JB and Ryan are close enough that Ryan won't feel guilty about receiving such an expensive present from his friend, which is great! Receiving a car for a present is one of the most useful gifts that anyone could give someone else. Congrats to Ryan!

Source: Justin Bieber -

Selena Gomez Stalker Asks For Permanent Restraining Order – Amazing Scenes

Stalkers of genuinely interesting people who warrant obsessive behaviour were thought to be applauding the actions of Thomas Brodnicki last night, as the aforementioned botherer of Selena Gomez asked for permanent, legally-binding non-contact with a woman few people have actually heard of.

There had apparently been genuine fear amongst the terrifying community of medicated borderline-schizophrenics that their actions would be belittled if someone were to grab headlines for stalking somebody virtually-unknown.

Fortunately Thomas has recently requested that the temporary restraining order granted against him last year be extended indefinitely, presumably to prevent him from the further embarrassment of pestering someone non-famous as all his mental friends mock him with infra-red images of the inside of Angelina Jolie’s house and long-lens footage of Daniel Craig tea-bagging Rachel Weisz. We imagine.

For the purposes of research, hecklerspray conducted an in-depth interview with some bored-looking people in our nearest Costa regarding the exact nature of Selena Gomez’s celebrity and the best anyone could come-up with was “is she that one who looks like a perplexed kitten?” and “erm, something to do with Justin Beiber?”

The jury is still out as to the exact nature of Selena Gomez’s fame, as it is the continuing nature of Brodnicki’s restraining order.

But perhaps he has seen the light. The light of true fame, and will be away stalking an actual well-known person.

hecklerspray will keep you updated.

Not that we condone any of this.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith Release "Happy New Year" Song

I can't believe how mature Justin Bieber and Jaden Smith sound in their new song, "Happy New Year"! It's pretty crazy. Bieber Tweeted the new song shortly before midnight on NYE, saying: "Thank you for 2011, lets have a better 2012! #happynewyear." Justin also performed on Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest. If Justin transitions into making more mature music, he can appeal to an entirely new demographic! Well done.

Justin Bieber, Jaden Smith Happy New Year

Source: Justin Bieber -

Justin Bieber Definitely Not The Father Of That Kid Says Entirely Trustworthy Source From His Prison Cell – Beyond Satire

It seems years ago Mariah Yeater made the unbelieble (!) claim that Justin Bieber had spaffed a viable sperm into her vulva resulting in a tiny little yodelling girl/boy-child growing in her womb when, to look at him, you couldn’t imagine he’d progressed as far as having sex with Lady Palm and her five inexperienced clammy sisters.

There’s been paternity tests and no-one’s known what to think until convicted criminal, current resident of the Big House, Mariah Yeater’s ex and beacon of truth Robert Powell (not that one) has revealed that actually HE is the father.

Yes really.

Powell has recently made the following statements from his federal penitentiary residence, and readers must be warned he un-ironically uses the phrase “on the real” at one point:

“We were both homeless and…. Mariah was trying to make some quick money,”

…reports totally reliable Powell, currently languishing on multiple burglary charges.

“She just picked him because she thought he was famous and all and thought she could get a lot of money by telling the magazine Justin was the father. She saw him as an opportunity to make a lot of money.”

…revealed Powell, also in for drug charges. Did we mention the drug charges? No?

“And man, on the real, I feel sorry for Justin Bieber. He’s just a little kid man. He don’t need to be going through all this drama. He got a career and sh*t to focus on. I feel sorry for the dude.”

At this point, it’s not clear how long Powell has been inside, or indeed when he found the time to chuff one up Mariah Yeater what with all his burglary, drug-taking and generally being-in-prison, but we’re more interested in his classic ‘feeling sorry’ for Bieber stance.

The whole ‘two men done wrong by the same woman’ and becoming mates schtick seems unlikely what with Powell’s current residence. A pretty boy-child like Bieber would have to ‘go bitch’ within seconds just to stand a chance in there.

Mariah Yeater’s lawyers have responded to Powell’s statements robustly by claiming – in the most devastating use of legal language we have ever seen – that they are “all wrong”.

Justin Bieber was unavailable for comment.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Visits School For Underprivileged Kids

Justin Bieber may be easy to make fun of as the world's first 17 year-old male lesbian, but sometimes, he's hard to hate on. The Biebs was recently named one of the most charitable celebs of 2011, and based on this clip from Ellen, it's not hard to see why.

Justin bieber Visits Whitney Elementary

Justin stopped by Whitney Elementary recently to greet some young fans and sing a song from his Christmas album. The school was founded to assist underprivileged kids, and surprisingly poverty is not a condition that the Biebs is unfamiliar with. "For me, I grew up and I didn’t have a lot. We went to food banks to get food for me," he told the school's principal.

Justin often seems a bit awkward when he's greeting fans, and that's occasionally the case in this clip, but you have to respect him for taking time out for some of his less fortunate fans. It's one thing to write a check to support an important cause; it's another thing to personally involve yourself like the Biebs does here.

Source: Justin Bieber -

Justin Bieber Wants His Child Fans To Know That Father Christmas Doesn’t Exist

Hey! Justin Bieber fans! Beliebers! Are you looking forward to Christmas? Are you? Have you been good this year? Are you hoping Father Christmas brings you Justin’s Christmas album to you on Christmas Day?

He won’t. He definitely won’t. Not a rat-in-an-arse’s chance kiddo!

That’s because Santa isn’t real. Yep. Big shock to us too. Who spoiled every Christmas, forever? Why, if it isn’t Bieber himself, who wants us all to know that the Yuletide period is one long sham. How appalling. Apparently, it’s all his stupid mother’s fault.

See, JB has revealed that he wasn’t ever given the chance to believe in Santa Claus as a child.

During an interview with Aol Music, Bieber says:

“My mom always told me there wasn’t a Santa.That was her logic: She thought if I grew up knowing about Santa then finding out he wasn’t real, that it would be like she was lying to me”.

Just wait ’til Bieber finds out that everyone’s been lying to him about the birth of Baby Jesus as well. He’ll be uncontrollable with rage!

Talking about his mother being a lousy parent, he said he didn’t spoil Christmas for everyone else:

“I didn’t tell my friends or ruin it for anyone – I was a good kid!”

Until now. Now you’ve told everyone you glurping twonk. Seriously. Someone oughta sock you in the mouth this Christmas for that.

All your pre-teen fans are officially jaded now. (Which is kinda good – keep up the stupid work Biebz!)

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Gets Jesus Christ Tattoo

Back in July, Justin Bieber and his dad got matching tattoos that say "Jesus" in Hebrew, but the Biebs wasn't done inkin' up his body for God yet. Justin has a new tattoo of Jesus Christ's face on the back of his upper left leg.

Justin Bieber Jesus Christ Tattoo

Justin claims to be religious and he got upset when the paps wouldn't let him enjoy visiting "places of worship" when he was in Israel last April.

I think this is what happens when you're 17 years old and you have a lot of money, but it's not like he doesn't have the money to remove it. So whatever.

Photo: Fame/Flynet

Source: Justin Bieber -

Sean Kingston Wants You To Pester Him Constantly, Forever, Until He Eventually Snaps

Hey! Are you a big fan of Sean Kingston? Well, when you’ve finished taking a long, hard look at your depressing self and come to the realisation you don’t deserve the glorious ears bestowed upon your tasteless skull, there’s some news that may interest you!

Mr Sean Kingston of Popsville would like you, his clearly troubled fans, to pester him more.

That’s right! He’s requesting that, should you see him walkin’ down the street (we could turn this into a joke, playing off a lyric from a famous song, but you twunts wouldn’t get it because you spend all your time listening to Sean Kingston and other tween dross), you should totally stop him for a nice chat.

Kingston, when he’s not careering into concrete bridges face-first, wants you to stop him when he’s going about his business and ask him for an autograph.

In return, he’ll thank you for your devotion.

That includes instances such as funerals, sexual health check-ups and having a poo. He doesn’t mind. Stop him and talk at him.

You may even want to get into his private property and tell him how much you love him. He doesn’t mind! He’s more worried that you’ll be too self-conscious to pally up with him.

He says:

“Humbleness is the most beautiful thing and I just want my fans to know that I’m humble and I love all of u guys!! Anytime yall meet me in… person… Airport, shows, mall etc… Don’t be afraid or shy to come up to me and ask for pics or an autograph cause you all made me…”

Eventually, he’ll snap and get one of his security to mangle your limbs, but until then, enjoy the Sean Kingston ride of a lifetime!

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber to V Magazine: 'Everyone's Trying to Tug At Me and Take My Spot!'

Justin Bieber is losing it, or was he just moody? Justin covers V magazine and the publication has the headline "Pop's Crown Prince Turns 18," but the Biebs won't be legal until March 1st! Anyway, Justin explains that going to church doesn't make you religious.

Justin Bieber V Magazine cover

"A lot of people who are religious, I think they get lost. They go to church just to go to church... I focus more on praying and talking to Him. I don't have to go to church." Does Justin even have the time to go to church anyway?

Moving on, Biebus also talked about his, uh, haters?!

"Now that I’m on top, everyone wants to bring me down. Everyone’s trying to tug at me and take my spot." Bieber continued: "Like Floyd Mayweather, he’s the best boxer in the world. Now he is a champion. Every time he goes to a fight now, people are like, ‘He’s going to lose this time.'"

Really dude?! Who the hell is trying to take Justin's spot? We haven't seen any lesbians who talk like wiggers on the charts yet. Maybe he's talking about Kreayshawn. Zing!

Source: Justin Bieber -

Justin Bieber’s Baby Haver Still Won’t Give Up Her Fight

Spare a thought for Justin Bieber this Christmas won’t you? It’s not because he’s can’t reach high shelves and get to his presents early. Instead, he’s still got mentalist stalker Mariah Yeater claiming that he leaked some sperm inside of her and created a baby.

Instead of this matter being kept private due to its libel claim, it’s great to know that Mariah Yeater has become something of a minor celebrity out of the whole ordeal. With various magazine and TV interviews, the money Yeater received will probably be used to pay damages towards Bieber when the negative result comes back on the DNA test.

Even though there are more holes in Mariah Yeater’s story than a blind cowboy, she’s back again to protest how she’s the innocent victim in all of this. Tristyn , the stupidly named child in question will be able to tell all its classmates in the future that he has a mentalist for a mother. We should say ‘allegedly’ now. Allegedly at absolutely everything.

The story reads for the perfect episode of daytime trash TV where bickering couples call each other names. In one corner, we have Mariah Yeater who is a young unemployed single mum. Ouch, she has nothing going for her at all does she? Opposing her is Justin Bieber, a young Canadian singing foetus who has made a fortune from swindling young girls into buying his music.

It makes for some sort of sinister Disney film doesn’t it? So far, we’re at the midpoint of the movie where we’re under the impression that romance is dead. The father is out the picture and the mother is left on her own to look after a child with no money. Will it result in a happy ending and the couple being united as one? Probably not, in an interview with Mariah Yeater she was asked if Bieber was the father and she responded by saying:

“I do believe he is the father.”

Yeater is either trying her hand at being a cracking pun writer, or she has realised that she doesn’t know who put their penis inside of her. If she’d used a better choice of words such as “I know that he wriggled around inside of me and released his seed,” then her claim would have more weight to it.

How about the supposed father Robbie Powell who has publicly stated that the child was his? In a weird baby three way, Powell has signalled that he wants to donate most of his earnings/state handouts to the child, where Bieber wouldn’t give a penny. Easily deflecting this question when asking, Yeater said:

“Yes, I know him. He is not the father and he’s locked up and out of the picture.”

Locked up? It seems that Bieber really is dealing with some sort of psycho who’ll even do bad stuff to those who dare speak out against her. We don’t know… is she’s some sort of BDSM practiser, or “she mentally blocked him from her mind,” and we don’t want to either. It seems that the proceedings in this case have been delayed by the Bieber camp. A lawyer for Yeater said:

“Bieber’s counsel has not provided me documentation supporting that the DNA test occurred.”

Hopefully a decision will be announced soon. Then the next single teenage girl can come along and start the process all over again.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Pubes/ Shirtless Pictures Surface

Here are some new photographs of the young man that young girls, teenagers, and grown a*s women would like to have relations with. Somehow I'm not seeing what Selena Gomez sees in this scrawny dude, which is normal I guess cause Beibus isn't even legal yet.

Justin Bieber pubesJustin Bieber posture

Justin Bieber was pap'd while vacationing in Cabo San Lucas. He was there with his dad and his girlfriend. On Twitter, Bieber told his fans that he will begin working on his next album "full time" beginning this week.

Justin is so thin! In between recording his new album, he should try to bulk up, for the love of gawd!

Justin Bieber tan skinJustin Bieber vacationJustin Bieber shirtlessJustin Bieber shirtless pictureJustin Bieber in Cabo San Lucas, MexicoJustin Bieber shirtless photo

Photos: Fame/ Flynet

Source: Justin Bieber -

Justin Bieber’s Grandparents Nearly Dead

If there’s one thing worse than a bad thing happening to a celebrity, it’s a bad thing happening to a non-celebrity that is in some way related to a celebrity. Take for example, the dreadful news that Justin Bieber’s grandparents are nearly dead.

You’ll be forgiven for thinking ‘all grandparents are nearly dead’, but you must remember that Bieber is a matter of hours old. So young is JB that his grandparents could justifiably be 23 years old or something.

No. They’re nearly dead because they’ve been in a car crash. This can only mean one thing…

Justin Bieber’s grandfather has been discharged from hospital following a rather serious (but presumably hilarious, judging by the laughs car-crashes get on clip shows) accident in Canada.

Bieber’s mom, Pattie Mallette, took to Twitter to ask for prayers (which will do absolutely nothing, but hey ho! You should really ask for everyone to think about how great doctors and nurses are, eh?) after the vehicle her parents – Bruce and Diane Dale – were driving careered out of control and flipped splendidly into a ditch.

In a post, she wrote:

“My dad has broken ribs. Plz pray 4 him 4 quick healing! Count your blessings and forgive ur parents always. U never know what tomorrow holds!!!”

Forgive your parents? Why? What have these people done to you? Are they monstrous pinheads or something?

Either way, all this means is that Bieber is quite obviously going to make some kind of soul-searching tune about all this because, if we’ve learned anything about this odious little berk, it is that he’s excellent at turning connected events into bubblegum money for himself.

Hope for a concept album called ‘Grandpa At The Wheel With The Reaper’.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber: "Sex, Drugs and Swearing Can Wait"

More excerpts from Justin Bieber's strange interview with V magazine were released today, revealing the Biebs' views on some pretty controversial topics. Well, controversial if you're 8.

Justin Bieber in V Photo

"I don't want to start singing about things like sex, drugs and swearing," Justin said when asked about grown-up stuff. "I'm into love, and maybe I'll get more into making love when I'm older." Not sure what he means by "get more into making love," but I guess he's saying he's still holding his v-card. Justin, you're an 18 year-old dude; if you're not "into making love" now, you never will be.

Justin went on to say, "I'm not going to try to conform to what people want me to be or go out there and start partying, have people see me with alcohol. I want to do it at my own pace." Okay, so he still talks like he's 12, but I'm impressed that Justin admitted he may one day start drinking. Our little Biebus is growing up right before our eyes. 

(Photo: V)

Source: Justin Bieber -

Justin Bieber Talks Directly To God (Or, If You Prefer, To Himself)

Justin Bieber talks directly

Justin Bieber talks directly to God. Justin Bieber also thinks that “rape happens for a reason” as well. That invariably means we shouldn’t trust a vowel that dribbles out of that tiny week-old mouth of his. He’s Canadian too. They’re all like Americans without the whole ‘inventing rock ‘n’ roll’ thing. Anyway, Justin Bieber likes [...]

to God. Justin Bieber also thinks that “rape happens for a reason” as well. That invariably means we shouldn’t trust a vowel that dribbles out of that tiny week-old mouth of his.

He’s Canadian too. They’re all like Americans without the whole ‘inventing rock ‘n’ roll’ thing.

Anyway, Justin Bieber likes talking to the ether and pretending that God talks back to him. Presumably God advised that Bieber got a tattoo on his leg of Jesus. Sadly, God didn’t tell him to go to a decent tattoo parlour and JB is left with an image of what appears to be the lead singer of Nickelback on his calf.

Justin does indeed believe that there is a higher power guiding everyone’s lives, but he doesn’t go to church to affirm his faith.

Is that because he’s gigantically famous and can’t be bothered getting loads of hassle every Sunday morning? Some faith that is!

He told V magazine:

“A lot of people who are religious, I think they get lost. They go to church just to go to church. I’m not trying to disrespect them … but for me, I focus more on praying and talking to Him. I don’t have to go to church.”

Still, at least he’s getting tugged off.

He added:

“Now that I’m on top, everyone wants to bring me down … Everyone’s trying to tug at me and take my spot.”

There’s still no word on the claims that Mariah Yeater had his baby though, which is what we’re all especially interested in. Not because he’s ‘on top’ and we’d like to see him fail, rather, we’ll never ever forgive him for what he said about rape victims.

We haven’t even mentioned his gruesome music. At least he’s got his little imaginary friend in the sky to talk to.

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Takes a Bathroom Break, Upsets Eager Fan

Justin Bieber keeps dropping hints that being famous is mad annoying. The 17 year-old Canuck was approached by one of his many fans when he was on his way to the bathroom and therefore couldn't stop for a photo.

Justin Bieber bangs photograph

Justin Tweeted:

  • funny how i meet people everyday. great people. smile. take pics. sign things and then some just like to tell rumors.

  • gotta just Kill em with Kindness. I know my responsibility. but sometimes i just gotta hurry up and take a piss though. lol

Biebus' fans got "mad" at him because he didn't stop for a Belieber. Justin's fans are all like 9 years old, right? Eventually they'll mature and learn how to give their wannabe future baby daddy some space.

Source: Justin Bieber -

Is Justin Bieber Harvesting The Organs Of Children?

There’s always been something incredibly sinister about Justin Bieber. Anyone who is paraded around like a prepubescent monkey eunuch should fill any right-minded person with the dread of a thousand bailiffs.

The very fact no-one seems to mind a performing menstrual period is of great concern, especially given that Bieber is clearly using his power for unspeakable evil.

Like what? Well, at the wave of his nailless foetal hand, it appears that the world’s young are donating their organs. Oooh, the horror!

Bieber is getting credit for a recent spike in organ donor registrations. Some dweebs called The Trillium Gift of Life Network have noted that, since JB answered a plea made by Helene Campbell, who’s awaiting for a lung transplant, more than 1,200 people have registered online for donation.

Bieber’s Twitter exchange with Campbell (username @alungstory) started off with the usual annoying charitable plea from a pleb to a sleb, before Justin took the sob story on and shared it with his trillion followers.

He then started tweeting about how people really should donate their organs.

However, no-one is that altruistic and we suspect that Bieber is using the organs for himself, after his young fans presumably donated them while they were still alive, cutting out their kidneys and such with Hello Kitty safety scissors and plopping them through his letter box.

And if our thoughts that Bieber is actually an illuminati goon are true, then we can only assume that he’s using the organs for nefarious purposes.

If indeed, Bieber is an illuminati lookalike, then there’s a chance that the singer is actually in his 40s and is gorging on tween organs in a bid to stay youthful. We have all noticed that he’s looking older than he used to and this fiendish scheme is clearly not working.

Spread the word. There’s a new devil among us.

There’s al

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Wants a Tough Guy Movie Role?!

Justin Bieber is hoping to transition from music into film and he's interested in playing a villain. Biebus wants to play Mark Wahlberg's character from the hit movie Fear.

Justin Bieber in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Movieweb reports that Justin thinks that starring in the remake would strip him of his pretty boy image and help him to be seen as a serious adult actor. 

It is believed that Justin Bieber will pursue the rights to remaking Fear, using the film as his launching board into feature film acting.

Mark's character rapes a young woman played by Alyssa Milano, beheads a beloved family pet, carves tattoos into his chest, breaks the neck of a family friend and finger bangs Reese Witherspoon on a rollercoaster. As a female, if there's any kind of male that I think could be potentially dangerous at any point, it's a scrawny teenager whose entire body weighs less than my thighs. Someone make this happen!

Source: Justin Bieber -

Paris Jackson And Justin Bieber To Shag With Unswerving Predictability

When Michael Jackson was alive (he’s very much dead these days), he ended up getting married to Lisa Marie Presley. It was weird. The King Of Pop shacking up with The King Of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s daughter. Mixing pop royalty like that… it’s incestuous and odd.

And guess what is going to happen?

That’s right, with a little bit of history repeating itself, Michael’s daughter – Paris Jackson – is giving the sex-eye to pop midget, Justin Bieber. You can just imagine the people behind both of these veritable toddlers advising them about how good a relationship with each other would be for their careers. Blecch!

It appears that Paris is not able to resist the juggernaut charm of Bieber, after she introduced him at her father’s tribute show in Hollywood.

It is reported that she ‘nearly melted in the process’. Much like her father’s face then? Nice that someone should carry on the noble family tradition.

In her intro, Paris said:

“We are all very big fans of [Justin] and his music” — and then, with a coy smile, she added, “I know I am.”

Then, Justin appeared to thunderous screams (again, much like the screams Michael would be greeted by when he found himself dazed and drugged and wandering around a playground without his special Bad trousers on) and rattled through a version of ‘Rockin’ Robin’, which MJ covered back in ’72.

Sadly, now Bieber has covered the song, it has rendered it unlistenable forever more.

Either way, keep an eye out for a gut-wrenching break-up between Bieber and Selena Gomez as he cruelly tosses her aside for a more famous, more bizarre Jackson sprog.

Good news is, is that this could get very, very ugly indeed. She’s the one with a tea-towel on her head, right?

Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber