Thursday, October 20, 2011

HecklerPlay: Start Panicking! A Justin Bieber Clone Is About To Be Unleashed

Back in the late eighties and throughout most of the nineties, the yoof of society were warned against certain evils, particularly drugs such as ecstasy and acid that were associated with dance music. Anything that’s popular usually has parental groups flapping and trying to convince everyone else that a child indulging in said activity will cause them to grown horns and massacre livestock.

Of late, fearmongers haven’t had much to do as pop culture is spewing out stuff so safe that not even Mary Whitehouse would scowl and huff. TV has offered us Glee, an all singing, all dancing show which is laced with sugary goodness. Music-wise, Justin Bieber is the perfect popstar with parents admiring his generally safe content and Jesus tattoos.

Whilst Bieber has been around for a few years, we’ve been told that a newcomer is on the scene, attempting to steal the midget foetus crown of producing bland pop music. Say hello to Grayson Chance.

Is Grayson Chance Americas answer to Canadian puppet Justin Bieber? We can only assume so, as both are young, annoying and probably have more money than the entire world combined.

However, Grayson does win when it comes to having a stupid name. He sounds like some sort of American national park that only houses transgender animals.

So where did Grayson Chance get discovered? Thanks to YouTube of course! An incredible source of finding new music by chance. Bear in mind that he’s roughly eleven or twelve when he was performing this cover of Lady Gaga’s Paparazzi.

The miserable cynic in us would be more inclined to slag young Grayson Chance off if he was just singing in his bedroom. But being able to play the piano and sing fairly well for such a young age is more than what we can do even now.

Somehow, the penny whistle doesn’t count as a proper instrument. After such a sterling performance, he was signed up on a record contract by other than American talkshow host, Ellen. We imagine she spieled some guff about wanting to nurture young talent and look all caring.

Grayson Chance might be forced to perform pop music for the initial years of his career, but with the right support and nurturing, he could end up being a major talent and not labelled as a tween singer. The evidence is there to suggest he has something in the making.

Editor’s Note: Laidlow will be fired for his cheery, positive outlook, don’t you worry. He also failed to notice the incredibly cynical framing of the video which kept the two cooing, admiring girls in the crowd in shot for the duration of his performance. The whole thing makes us sick.

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Source: Hecklerspray Justin Bieber

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