Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Justin Bieber Draws Penises, Defends Kim Kardashian

Most Justin Bieber magazine profiles consist of fawning praise for the 18 year-old pop icon, but GQ ain't no Tiger Beat. The men's magazine recently ran a feature on Justin that was far less flattering than the Biebs is accustomed to. Some highlights:

Justin Bieber: Onstage Swag

When the interviewer discovers some penis graffiti: "I noticed that someone had drawn a bunch of dicks all over the grease board by the door. So I pointed at them and asked, “Hey, who drew all the dicks?” This is the new and mature Bieber. We can’t have dicks being drawn all over the place. People might get the wrong idea about filthy-rich 18-year-old pop stars.

On the Biebs idea of hard work: "I have been told repeatedly what a hard worker he is, but in two nights—Bieber only records at night—I’ve witnessed him work for a grand total of forty minutes. Soon he’s back to pinballing around the studio."

JB drops some f-bombs: "He has decided to pledge his loyalty to West Coast Customs forever and to decry its rival, Platinum Motorsport. “F*ck Platinum,” he says. “Platinum can suck a dick, man. West Coast all day.”

On Kim Kardashian: Bieber gets mildly indignant and sticks up for Kardashian. “You guys are so mean, bro…. People say she doesn’t do anything; she actually does do stuff…. She works hard.”

You get the idea. It's not the sweet, innocent Biebus we've come to know and love. You can check out the whole article here.

Source: Justin Bieber - Poponthepop.com

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